Term 4 Learning Goal
My Learning Goals
Maths - Geometry because That is my weak spot in Maths.
Do more Mathletics because I don’t do it much at home.
Writing - Plan before writing.
Reading - Complete the 40 book challenge.
Learn a wider span of vocabulary.
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
Maths - Pay attention in maths.
Do some at home.
Writing - Always remember to plan beforehand and to use my plan when writing.
Reading - Remember to log my books.
Read more challenging books with harder words in them.
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
Maths - When I understand completely.
By completing my Mathletics every time for SMLs.
Writing - Planning and using my plan without needing to be reminded.
Reading - When I have completed the 40 book challenge.
When reading harder books becomes easier.
My Learner Qualities Goal
Collaborate because I usually work by myself.
How am I going to achieve my goal?
List strategies that you can use to work towards achieving your goal.
By working with a buddy more often.
Work with a variety of people.
Getting more involved in group discussions.
How will I know when I have achieved my goal?
When I always work with a buddy. This does not include talking - It includes getting work done.
Goal Review
What strategies have you used to improve? Have you made progress? How do you know?
My Next Step is...